In secure
Everybody Lies! If you’ve seen the popular Television series House MD, you’ll know what I am talking about. Now let me tell you something. Everybody is insecure! That might appear bad, only when you associate insecure as something bad. The word insecure itself is a simple one. It means “In” “secure”. To be “in” “secure” is to build a wall around us for the sake of our security. Insecure is good, only until some degree. Insecure helps us. Insecure protects us from trouble. The little squirrel is going to run away from you even if you try to feed it the most delicious food on earth. It is insecure. It is how it survives. Though it misses away from being romantically involved in your fascinating pet care (mew mew mew mew mew mew mew mew mew mew); it would get hunted easily if it wasn’t insecure. But we are not squirrels; though they are so cute. We have the ability to distinguish when we can choose to be insecure and when we need to let go. That primal ins...